life is like acting on the stage spontaneously. role play as ourselves IS the greatest challenge ever. trust yourself and follow your instinct. play the role happily and full of confident. defence your rights thus what is YOURS, will remains YOURS. LIVE LIFE TO THE FULLEST!


September 23, 2010

tagged by sya :D

1. Last beverage: lemOn + lychee :P
2. Last phone call: samarahan optic
3. Last text message: unknown
4. Song stuck in your head: .....
5. Last time you cried: errr.... can't remember. mybe, 5-6 monthh ago..

6. Dated someone twice: never -.-
7. Been cheated on: wish to say 'never'. but, impossible!
8. Kissed someone and regretted it: isy2. x cukOp umOr. haha!
9. Lost someone special: i would say yes
10. Been depressed: can't deny that.
11. drunk and threw up: sorry, i never drink..

12. hmm, green
13. hmm, turqoise

14. Made a new friend: :D
15. Fallen in love: i think soo. but, not so sureee.
16. Laughed until you cried: yes...
17. Met someone who changed you: yup! just a bit change.
18. Found out who your true friends were: absolutely..!
19. Found out someone was talking about you: i don't know. but HIM knows.
20. Kissed anyone on your friend's list accidentally: accidentally? no!
21. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life: 33.33% :/
22. How many kids do you want to have: not think too far yet.
23. Do you have any pets: yes... now, i miss him ;/
24. Do you wanna change your name: had come across in my mind. :D
25. What did you do for your last birthday: nothing. reply msg, wishes from frens and family.
26. What time did you wake up today: 6.20a.m
27. What were you doing at midnight last night: sleep lorhh.
28. Name something you CANNOT wait for: when exam is OVER and go back to peninsularr!
29. Last time you saw your Mother: 5 days ago
30. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: myself : attitude, appearance.
32. What are you listening to right now: bunyik cengkerik kott.
33. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: nope
34. What's getting on your nerves right now: nothing. i'm cool, mann. :D
35. Most visited webpage: mukabuku, blogger
36. What's your real name: bjet r x tauu.
37. What's your nickname: migha, poyo, meyra, mOOyunkk.
38. Relationship Status: single and happy :D
39. Zodiac sign: taurus
40. Male or female: female
41. Elementary school: taska mppj
42. Middle school: sjs 2
43. High school/college: mrsm pdrm (lower form) mrsm tgb (upper form)
44. Hair colour: what if... white? haha
45. Long or short: infinity.
46. Height: 158 cm
47. Do you have a crush on someone: yeahhh! byk kott.
48: What do you like about yourself: all.
49. Piercings: my ears...
50. Tattoos: haram...
51. Righty or lefty: righty

52. First surgery: never
53. First piercing: my ears
54. First best friend: nelfii. (wish she accidentally found my blog. :')
55. First sport you joined in: lari dalam guni kott.
56. First vacation: penang
58. First pair of trainers: huh!?
59. Eating: ayam pangsuhh.
60. Drinking: susu ibu.
61. I'm about to: walk
62. Listening to: my dad azan dkt telinge...
63. Waiting for: sik tauu.

64. Want kids: of course!
65. Get Married: ASAP. pheewitt :D
66. Career: optometrist. (play hard for this! )

67. Lips or eyes: eyes *wink2*
68. Hugs or kisses: hug.just more than enough.
69. Shorter or taller: u tell me.
70. Older or Younger: u tell me.
71. Romantic or spontaneous: spontaneous.
72. Nice stomach or nice arms: arms!
73. Sensitive or loud: ...
74. Hook-up or relationship: hook up.
75. Trouble maker or hesitant: both

76. Kissed a stranger: no! eeuuww
77. Drank hard liquor: never will
78. Lost your glasses/ contact: pfftt.. selalu sangat!
79. Sex on first date: gila!
80. Broken someone's heart: yes and i'm trully sorry, dear. :/
81. flirted with a hot guy: x kot;)
82. Been arrested: no
83. Turned someone down: yes
84. Cried when someone died: yes
85. Fallen for a friend: dulu2 penah laa.... :P

86. Yourself: yes, err.. mybe no.. but i think yes! haha
87. Miracles: sometimes
88. Love at first sight: :D
89. Heaven: definitely
90. Santa Claus: they don't exist in this world.
91. Kiss on the first date: no. never dated.
92. Angels: if it's malaikat, then yes!

94. Had more than 1 girlfriend/boyfriend at a time: no.
95. Did you sing today: i sing everyday :)
96. Ever cheated on somebody: truthfully? yes...
97. If you could go back in time, how far would you go: x mo byk2. ckop r klu dpt masuk f1 balik. dan betulkan semua yg x patot.
98. If you could pick a day from last year and relive it, what would it be: graduation day!! miracle, pls happen. haha)
99. Are you afraid of falling in love: no! :D *mcm terdesakk jerp. haha
100. Have you ever got sexually aroused before: nooooooo...!

gila betul! igt sekejap je nk wat bnda alahh neyhh. amik masa betuull. well, seronok gak wat bnda alah neyhh. 1st time kottt. :D hehe. thnx sya!

September 22, 2010

memori merayap

tetiba nga aku dok kalut nk siapkan assignment math, teringat lak meori zaman dolu2. (of course le tersengih smpai ke telinga. zaman hati masih suci dan masih mencari warna -warna kehidupan. bnda pahit pon jadi sedapp gak. ceywahh! :D)

aku tetiba teringat kt name tag yg ex-hep kt skola tlg supply. aku ingat lg, tyme tu sumorg ingat benda alah name tag tuhh free kononya di sponsor oleh pihak sekola (walaupun, pd hakikat mcm agak berat nk prcya yg sekolah sponsor sbb mmg thp kwgn sekolah ketika itu sedia maklum mmg agak kurennggg. hoho) ghupanya, sangkaan sumorg mmg betOl, (iaitu : mana mungkin ler sekolah dgn berbesar hati nk sponsor)

budak2 batch mmg mengamuk habis-habisan pasal kena byr lak name tag tuhh. dh r bkn atas kehendak majoriti pelajar sbb name tag yg rasmi still elok lg. name tag tuhh just special utk batch aku jer. yg kelakar, mmg satu sekolah dok protes sbb kena bayar. (besa r udak2 pakai mmg pndai, hal byr-membayar neyhh g payah sikitt) padahal hrga tag tuhh stakat sekeping duit hijau kaler RM5 je kott. sengal betul. itu pon nk berkira. (macam2 karenah betuull.)

okayhh. itu baru mukadimah a.k.a pengenaln utk name tag jer. name tag tuhh org biasa pangil name tag kerjaya.:D so, bermula lah kisah aku yg sebenar yang agak berkaitan dgn name tag kerjaya tersebut.. (ceyhh. wat saspen lak :D)

aku baru teringat dulu2 aku memasang cita2 nk jadi ARKITEK. (fuyoo! mst org bajet aku pndai lukis ennn. padahal, pensel pon takut nk lekat kt tgn aku neyhh.ketaq abes aihh nk luis gmbr kotak je ponnn. ) dijadikan cerita, name tag kerjaya aku tuhh, of course larhh aku letak ARKITEK as my career choices. mmg sumer tau ar aku gila2 nk mati nk jd arkitek gak. mati idop semula pon aku akn jawab nak jadi arkitek. mmg mulia kerjaya neyhh, mmg bukan duit haram yg dicari (Insya-Allah..)

tp, still ad masalah yg datang bertandang disebabkan cita-cita nk jadi arkitek. :| hahaha. hakikatnya sekarang, aku tgh further study di unimas dalam jurusan asasi sains HAYAT!! see, betapa bezanya cita2 aku dahulu dan arah yg aku sedang tuju sekarang. of course, nothing to do with physics anymore. (tq, mr sabri sbb tlg perkenalkn aku dgn dunia fizik walaupun hanya fundamental physics. i love physics))

HAYAT of course berkaitan dgn biologi. (sesungguhnya,biologi mmg menyesakan minda) jadi, yg aku perlu tanam dalam hati dan fikiran sekarang adalah menguatkan keazaman untuk menjadi seorng doktor. (dh nma asasi sains hayat UNIMAS, mst doctor menjadi pilihan utama. skrg neyh, mati hidup semula pon, aku nk jadi seorang doktor dan jadi pakar mata. (Ya Allah, kuatkan semangat hamba-Mu ini dan permudahkan segala urusan ku) wahwah! saya mahu menjadi seorang doktor. saya mst kuatkan semangat dan rajin berusaha. :D

p/s : entri kali ini agak berserabut (menandakan penulis punya otak pon dh serabut) sekian harap maklum.

p/s : cg pernah jnji nk pulangkan duit RM5(duit utk name tag kerjaya) if student bwk name tag tuhh g tuntut kt dye bila dh berjaya capai cita2 yg tertera kt name tag tuuh. (well, i'm on my way to become one of the malaysian doctor not one of the malaysian architect. but, i will prove to my teacher, that i will success in any career i decided to live with.)

September 15, 2010

ghaya untuk bergaya

tajuk entri kali ini terasa mcm over plak. bjet mcm model plak. ceywahhh! :D (well, mmg aku neyh ske wat tajuk entri over. dh nama pon amira zakaria enn. haha. just deal with it) hehe.

makin meningkat dewasa, ghaya pon rasa dh x berseri mcm zaman dolu-dolu. zmn kanak2 ribena dulu, time hari raya mst dh mind set nk kutip duet raya banyak-banyak. best gak ad feel mcm tuhh. berlumba2 g ghaya rumah jiran sebelah, tok yg dok ghuma hujOng kg pon sanggup pergi walaupon terpaksa melintasi kubur dulu. (budak2 punya hal takut benOR) pastu, gi masuk balik beraya ghuma jiran td smbil wat muka seposen xtau malu. pusngi satu kg mcm kg tuh mak bapak sendri dh cop nama sbg pemilik. lebih2 lagi, bila dh ghaya kt kg dah boleyh anggap satu kg tuhh dh mcm sedara. so, suka ati mak bapak tiri jer serbu ghuma pakcik, makcik, atok, nenek, moyang, opah san sewaktu dgnnya sbb nk beraya supaya dapat duit raya. haha.itu cerita zaman hingusan.

zaman kalut nk bercnta monyet, (yakni, sejak dua tahun lepas) ghaya bg aku adalah waktu cuti sekolah yg paling mewahh dlm hidup sbb leyh dpt extra money dari my official sugar daddy, Mr, Zack (a.k.a bapak aku larhhh. beliau mmg suruh shopping sendiri baju raya yg lawa2. apa lagi, mmg shopping selagi termampu. maklumlahh, shoping sakan setahun sekali sebab ghaya pon setahun sekali. hoho. okayyh, aku nk smbg lg definisi raya era2 zm nk amik spm : iaitu hnyalah sekadar jalan2 keliling kg bersalaman dan berkenalan dgn sedara mara and makan sedap2. mmg hampehh anak dara zakaria neyhh. (again, klu u x suka i kisahh apa. :D)

semenjak aku dah abis sekolah dan smbg belajar di UNIMAS, aku dh mula belajar erti ber'pesen' kihkih. member2 Cullen aku mmg bestt. memasing konfem ad idea sendiri nk melawa di hari lebaran. so, aku pn x nk kalah. haha. sempoi babe! haha.
aku mmg semangat giler raya tahun neyhh g shoppng ghaya, berimaginasi nk pakai baju ape, warna tema pastuhh baju kena matching dgn shawl ape. style tudung mcm mana nk pakai. haha, mmg G.I.L.A! so, buat julung kali nya, aku memasang motto raya aku tahun neyhh : GHAYA UNTUK BERGAYA! :D

baju raya aku x byk pon, cukup larhh sekadar 3 pasang. (klu boleyhh, mmg nk beli lg. tp, parents aku ckp ktorg just raya kt melaka only 3 days) 3 pasang baju mmg dh lebih dari cukup. (hakikatnya, mmg ad lg bju x pakai. well, x tau nk raya ghuma sape dahh. simpan dlm wardrobe gamaknyer)

well, 1st day raya baju kurung (nenek aku yg tempah. aku x pernah tgk bju tuhh untill 1 syawal. shawl tuhh aku men agak2 jer beli nseb baik masOk gila dgn baju tuhh. )

2nd day, bju biru bunga2. (beli kat samarahan. cuba r teka kt kedai ape. hehe.)

3rd : bju kotak2 with syria and shawl. (sgt suka baju neyhh. selesa di pakai.)

SELAMAT HARI RAYA AIDILFITRI kepada semua sahabat2 yg aku sayangi

p/s : haha. entri neyhh mmg mcm masuk bakul angkat sendiri bunyi nyer. haha. sj jer aku update bnda alah neyhh sbg kenang kenangan. adios!